Our goal is to inspire, encourage, challenge and enable you to elevate your firm's performance. The Agency Leadership Institute -
developed in partnership between Cincinnati Insurance and Reagan Consulting - empowers you to evaluate where you are today, where
you have the potential of going and what you can do to get there. Through small-group workshops and agency surveys, you'll be invigorated and ready
to lead your organization to a growing and profitable future.
The program includes two separate, three-day sessions held in Cincinnati. View a detailed agenda for week one and week two here.
Queen City Club
331 E. 4th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Hotel Information
Residence Inn Cincinnati
504 E. 4th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Tuition & Travel
Tuition for the program is $5,000. However, you'll have opportunities to earn a reimbursement up to the full amount as you complete certain stages of the
Agency Leadership Institute.
While you'll pay for your own travel costs, Cincinnati covers your lodging and meals during the workshops. Please do not make
travel arrangements until you have received an enrollment confirmation letter.
Tuition reimbursement happens in two stages:
- You'll receive a 40% refund ($2,000) after establishing and implementing an action plan to elevate the performance of your agency following
the program. Submit your action plan to your table leader to ensure your plan meets program guidelines. Successful plans:
- Identify a specific issue (or issues) that will meaningfully impact your ability to grow revenues, improve profitability or create a perpetuation plan for the agency
- Include a timeline for implementation
- Offer measurable targets for improvement
- Establish responsibilities within the agency
- Provide written commitment from your agency to act on the plan
- You'll receive up to the final 60% of your tuition costs based on reaching elevated performance metrics as a result of your action plan:
- Provide periodic progress reports to your table leader
Demonstrate the successful completion of your plan based on your measurable targets. You'll be reimbursed for your remaining tuition based on the percent of targets met.
(Accomplish 50% of targeted objectives for 50% (or $1,500) reimbursement; accomplish 100% of targeted objectives for 100% reimbursement (or $3,000).)
More Information
Please contact your Sales field marketing representative for more information about the Agency Leadership Institute.