In-Depth Programs Build Skills to Accelerate Your Career

Producer with looking glass

New Agent Program

Newly licensed producers gain fundamental insurance knowledge and develop your prospecting and selling skills to effectively solicit, write and maintain commercial accounts through our six-month program.

Webpage with Gear Icon

New Account Rep Program

New account representatives build confidence by learning basic insurance concepts, developing personal effectiveness and efficiency and understanding how to serve and support your commercial clients through our three-month program.

Management Chart

Agency Leadership Institute

Become empowered to evaluate your current skills, future potential and the next steps in your development. Through small-group workshops and agency surveys, you’ll be invigorated and ready to lead your agency to a growing and profitable future.

Course Catalog
Browse our course offerings to meet your training needs
or download our printable catalog using the button below.

Download Catalog

School Name


More Details

Advanced Account Rep School

Hands-on underwriting and learning experience focused on Cincinnati's commercial products and services, all coverages and classification issues.

Advanced Commercial Lines School

Technical information and sales advantages for Cincinnati products: business income and time elements, excess and surplus lines, EPLI, excess liability, umbrella, inland marine, machinery and equipment, general liability, commercial package programs and Target Markets. This course is suitable for commercial lines customer service representatives and agents with at least one year of experience.

Cincinnati Private Client School

This dynamic two-and-a-half-day school is designed for licensed agents who are ready to extend their success to writing more complex, high net worth accounts. You'll understand HNW individuals, how to develop centers of influence, and how to use consultative sales processes to provide solutions with Cincinnati HNW coverages, products and services, including Claims and Risk Management.

Contractors Liability Workshop

Understand risk transfer and the factors that require increased consideration when evaluating new and renewal contractor accounts and risks that affect the potential liability of your contractor clients.

Contractor Workshop - Live-Online (Virtual offering)

From the comfort of your own desk, take time to understand risk transfer and the factors that require increased consideration when evaluating new and renewal contractor accounts and risks that affect the potential liability of your contractor clients.

Cyber Workshop

Cyber Liability has become a hot topic in the industry. Cincinnati Insurance is here to help you understand the risk that your clients face and how to protect them.

Excess and Surplus Lines Seminar

Become familiar with excess and surplus policies offered by Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters with in-depth examples and exercises to help you understand how CSU can help you write this business profitably.

Future Insurance Professional Internship

The Future Insurance Professional Internship Program (FIPI) will help you more easily attract talented individuals who will support your agency’s perpetuation plan. Highly motivated, energetic college students who are within 1-2 years of graduation will benefit from participating in our program, which combines training and work experience. This internship will help your most promising insurance beginners make greater contributions to your agency in the future. This program kicks off once per year mid- to late-May each year.

Management Liability School

Management Liability products can round out existing accounts and expand your growth with new business.

Personal Lines Agent School

Become familiar with personal lines products and services including technical information and sales advantages, Cincinnati's underwriting philosophy, homeowner coverages and endorsements, umbrella, watercraft, marine, auto and claims.

Personal Lines Agent School - Virtual

From the comfort of your own desk, become familiar with personal lines products and services including technical information and sales advantages, Cincinnati's underwriting philosophy, homeowner coverages and endorsements, umbrella, watercraft, inland marine, auto and risk management services.

Personal Lines Academy - Policy Interpretations

Understand coverages and endorsements for homeowner, auto, personal umbrella, watercraft, personal articles and rental dwellings. Personal Lines department leaders highlight Cincinnati’s underwriting philosophy, products and programs.

ProFit Sales Program

This four-month program is a tuition-based program. The program will kick off with a two-hour live-online session, followed by a one-and-a-half day in-person session, ending with a two-hour live-online session. Full list of dates will follow.

Principles of surety

Overview of surety basics including contract and commercial surety, understanding the underwriting process, financial statements, work-in-progress reports, bond forms, rating and classification of contractors.

Surety School for Producers

Get acquainted with how Management Liability products round out your existing accounts and expand your growth with new business.

The Great Escape

Scott Addis, founder of The Addis Group and Addis Intellectual Capital LLC, leads this course that helps agencies become true sales organizations and learn how to succeed in a commoditized insurance environment.

Upcoming Classroom Events
Attend a workshop event in a town near you to bolster your knowledge about Cincinnati products and services. Contact us to learn more.

CalendarIcon February 20

Principles of Surety

Tampa, FL

This class enhances an account reps' expertise by providing in-depth information on surety basics including both contract and commercial surety. Emphasis is placed on understanding the underwriting process, basic understanding of financial statements and work in progress reports, bond forms, rating & classification of contractors and an overview of commercial surety.


Principles of Surety

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • be proficient in answering bond questions
  • set up a submission
  • understand the information needed for an underwriter to make an informed decision
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.

CalendarIcon March 4

Contractors Liability Workshop

Salt Lake City, UT

Risk transfer, adequately insured subcontractors, mold, EIFS/DEFS, Cincinnati's Commercial General Liability rewrite, residential contractors and construction defects are all factors that require increased consideration when evaluating new and renewal contractor accounts. This class addresses all of these risks that affect the potential liability of your contractor clients.


Contractors Liability Workshop

8:00 am - 3:30 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • better serve your contractor customers on issues involving claims, risk transfer, CGL, umbrella coverage and construction defects.
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • You must be a licensed commercial producer to attend.
  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-9973-3172 or email

CalendarIcon March 6

Contractors Liability Workshop

Denver, CO

Risk transfer, adequately insured subcontractors, mold, EIFS/DEFS, Cincinnati's Commercial General Liability rewrite, residential contractors and construction defects are all factors that require increased consideration when evaluating new and renewal contractor accounts. This class addresses all of these risks that affect the potential liability of your contractor clients.


Contractors Liability Workshop

8:00 am - 3:30 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • better serve your contractor customers on issues involving claims, risk transfer, CGL, umbrella coverage and construction defects.
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • You must be a licensed commercial producer to attend.
  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-9973-3172 or email

CalendarIcon March 18

Cyber Liability Workshop

Columbus, OH

This course reviews the cyber risks that many of your clients face and the coverages that are available to protect them. We will discuss and give examples of the cyber exposures that most of your clients are exposed to and how we can help you insure these exposures.


Cyber Liability Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Define various types of cyber exposures
  • Identify cyber exposures
  • Review the forms and products available to help protect your clients
  • Describe the Anatomy of a breach
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Amber Kelly, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Amber, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon March 20

Cyber Liability Workshop

Knoxville, TN

This course reviews the cyber risks that many of your clients face and the coverages that are available to protect them. We will discuss and give examples of the cyber exposures that most of your clients are exposed to and how we can help you insure these exposures.


Cyber Liability Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Define various types of cyber exposures
  • Identify cyber exposures
  • Review the forms and products available to help protect your clients
  • Describe the Anatomy of a breach
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Amber Kelly, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Amber, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon April 1

Advanced Account Representative Workshop

Philadelphia, PA

Become familiar with Cincinnati's commercial products and services in a hands-on learning experience where you will work with your peers to underwrite and prepare a policy for submission. With guidance from leaders in our Commercial Lines, Premium Audit, Bond, Learning & Development and Sales departments, this comprehensive course touches on all coverages and classification issues.


Advanced Account Representative Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • underwrite and correctly classify property, general liability and auto coverages for new business and renewals
  • identify many of the coverage advantages of Cincinnati commercial lines products
  • prepare a submission and how to access the tools to prepare the submission
  • understand differences in CinciPak, Target Markets and Commercial package policies
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon April 3

Advanced Account Representative Workshop

Atlanta, GA

Become familiar with Cincinnati's commercial products and services in a hands-on learning experience where you will work with your peers to underwrite and prepare a policy for submission. With guidance from leaders in our Commercial Lines, Premium Audit, Bond, Learning & Development and Sales departments, this comprehensive course touches on all coverages and classification issues.


Advanced Account Representative Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • underwrite and correctly classify property, general liability and auto coverages for new business and renewals
  • identify many of the coverage advantages of Cincinnati commercial lines products
  • prepare a submission and how to access the tools to prepare the submission
  • understand differences in CinciPak, Target Markets and Commercial package policies
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon April 3

Principles of Surety

Des Moines, IA

This class enhances an account reps' expertise by providing in-depth information on surety basics including both contract and commercial surety. Emphasis is placed on understanding the underwriting process, basic understanding of financial statements and work in progress reports, bond forms, rating & classification of contractors and an overview of commercial surety.


Principles of Surety

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • be proficient in answering bond questions
  • set up a submission
  • understand the information needed for an underwriter to make an informed decision
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.

CalendarIcon April 16

Management Liability School for Producers

Cincinnati, OH

The Cincinnati Insurance Companies are committed to helping you grow your business. Management Liability products are a fantastic way to round out your existing accounts and expand your growth with new business. Consider attending our day and a half long Management Liability School to learn more.


Management Liability School for Producers

4/16/2025 to 4/17/2025
1st day - 5:00 pm
2nd day - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
3rd day - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Have a better understanding of Management Liability products
  • Learn how to round out your existing accounts
  • Expand your growth with new business
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.

CalendarIcon April 23

ProFit - Sales Program

Cincinnati, OH

This four-month program is a tuition-based program. The program will kick off with a two-hour live-online session, followed by a one-and-a-half day in-person session, ending with a two-hour live-online session.


ProFit - Sales Program

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Develop sales skills to improve time spent selling
  • Spend 80% of your time in sales related activities
  • Build to and manage 10 appointments per week
  • Begin replicating your vital few clients
  • Learn to have overflowing pipelines
  • Get the right mindset needed to become your Best Version Possible
  • Connect with and learn from other growth-minded producers
Continuing Education Credit:
This course does not qualify for Continuing Education Credit

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon April 30

Advanced Commercial Lines School

Cincinnati, OH

Commercial lines customer service representatives and agents with at least one year of experience explore technical information and sales advantages for Cincinnati products. Learn more about business income and time elements, excess and surplus lines, EPLI, excess liability, umbrella, inland marine, machinery and equipment, general liability, commercial package programs and target markets.


Advanced Commercial Lines School

4/30/2025 to 5/1/2025
1st day - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm local time.
2nd day - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • identify the appropriate coverages for your clients
  • recognize the types of commercial business Cincinnati Insurance likes to write
  • describe the benefits of placing your business with Cincinnati Insurance
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • You must be a licensed commercial producer or CSR to attend.
  • Cincinnati Insurance pays for your lodging while in Cincinnati for the school.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-9973-3172 or email

CalendarIcon May 6

Contractors Liability Workshop

St Louis, MO

Risk transfer, adequately insured subcontractors, mold, EIFS/DEFS, Cincinnati's Commercial General Liability rewrite, residential contractors and construction defects are all factors that require increased consideration when evaluating new and renewal contractor accounts. This class addresses all of these risks that affect the potential liability of your contractor clients.


Contractors Liability Workshop

8:00 am - 3:30 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • better serve your contractor customers on issues involving claims, risk transfer, CGL, umbrella coverage and construction defects.
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • You must be a licensed commercial producer to attend.
  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-9973-3172 or email

CalendarIcon May 8

Contractors Liability Workshop

Minneapolis, MN

Risk transfer, adequately insured subcontractors, mold, EIFS/DEFS, Cincinnati's Commercial General Liability rewrite, residential contractors and construction defects are all factors that require increased consideration when evaluating new and renewal contractor accounts. This class addresses all of these risks that affect the potential liability of your contractor clients.


Contractors Liability Workshop

8:00 am - 3:30 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • better serve your contractor customers on issues involving claims, risk transfer, CGL, umbrella coverage and construction defects.
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • You must be a licensed commercial producer to attend.
  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-9973-3172 or email

CalendarIcon June 10

Cyber Liability Workshop

Charlotte, NC

This course reviews the cyber risks that many of your clients face and the coverages that are available to protect them. We will discuss and give examples of the cyber exposures that most of your clients are exposed to and how we can help you insure these exposures.


Cyber Liability Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Define various types of cyber exposures
  • Identify cyber exposures
  • Review the forms and products available to help protect your clients
  • Describe the Anatomy of a breach
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Amber Kelly, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Amber, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon June 12

Cyber Liability Workshop

Tampa, FL

This course reviews the cyber risks that many of your clients face and the coverages that are available to protect them. We will discuss and give examples of the cyber exposures that most of your clients are exposed to and how we can help you insure these exposures.


Cyber Liability Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Define various types of cyber exposures
  • Identify cyber exposures
  • Review the forms and products available to help protect your clients
  • Describe the Anatomy of a breach
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Amber Kelly, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Amber, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon June 24

Principles of Surety

Carmel, IN

This class enhances an account reps' expertise by providing in-depth information on surety basics including both contract and commercial surety. Emphasis is placed on understanding the underwriting process, basic understanding of financial statements and work in progress reports, bond forms, rating & classification of contractors and an overview of commercial surety.


Principles of Surety

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • be proficient in answering bond questions
  • set up a submission
  • understand the information needed for an underwriter to make an informed decision
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.

CalendarIcon August 19

Principles of Surety

Salt Lake City, UT

This class enhances an account reps' expertise by providing in-depth information on surety basics including both contract and commercial surety. Emphasis is placed on understanding the underwriting process, basic understanding of financial statements and work in progress reports, bond forms, rating & classification of contractors and an overview of commercial surety.


Principles of Surety

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • be proficient in answering bond questions
  • set up a submission
  • understand the information needed for an underwriter to make an informed decision
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.

CalendarIcon August 26

CSU Excess and Surplus Lines School

Chicago, IL

Learn about excess and surplus policies that you can write through Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters. This session goes in-depth with examples and exercises to provide you with a better understanding of our products and how CSU can help you write this business profitably.


CSU Excess and Surplus Lines School

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand out Excess & Surplus Lines programs are structured and operate
  • Explain how to access E & S markets
  • Define the regulations that pertain to this marketplace
  • Explain how an E & S policy is organized and what is covered
  • Understand how reinsurance impacts E & S programs
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon August 28

CSU Excess and Surplus Lines School

Minneapolis, MN

Learn about excess and surplus policies that you can write through Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters. This session goes in-depth with examples and exercises to provide you with a better understanding of our products and how CSU can help you write this business profitably.


CSU Excess and Surplus Lines School

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand out Excess & Surplus Lines programs are structured and operate
  • Explain how to access E & S markets
  • Define the regulations that pertain to this marketplace
  • Explain how an E & S policy is organized and what is covered
  • Understand how reinsurance impacts E & S programs
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon August 30

Advanced Commercial Lines School

Cincinnati, OH

Commercial lines customer service representatives and agents with at least one year of experience explore technical information and sales advantages for Cincinnati products. Learn more about business income and time elements, excess and surplus lines, EPLI, excess liability, umbrella, inland marine, machinery and equipment, general liability, commercial package programs and target markets.


Advanced Commercial Lines School

8/30/2025 to 8/31/2025
1st day - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm local time.
2nd day - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • identify the appropriate coverages for your clients
  • recognize the types of commercial business Cincinnati Insurance likes to write
  • describe the benefits of placing your business with Cincinnati Insurance
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • You must be a licensed commercial producer or CSR to attend.
  • Cincinnati Insurance pays for your lodging while in Cincinnati for the school.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-9973-3172 or email

CalendarIcon September 16

Contractors Liability Workshop

Milwaukee, WI

Risk transfer, adequately insured subcontractors, mold, EIFS/DEFS, Cincinnati's Commercial General Liability rewrite, residential contractors and construction defects are all factors that require increased consideration when evaluating new and renewal contractor accounts. This class addresses all of these risks that affect the potential liability of your contractor clients.


Contractors Liability Workshop

8:00 am - 3:30 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • better serve your contractor customers on issues involving claims, risk transfer, CGL, umbrella coverage and construction defects.
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • You must be a licensed commercial producer to attend.
  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-9973-3172 or email

CalendarIcon September 16

Cyber Liability Workshop

Syracuse, NY

This course reviews the cyber risks that many of your clients face and the coverages that are available to protect them. We will discuss and give examples of the cyber exposures that most of your clients are exposed to and how we can help you insure these exposures.


Cyber Liability Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Define various types of cyber exposures
  • Identify cyber exposures
  • Review the forms and products available to help protect your clients
  • Describe the Anatomy of a breach
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Amber Kelly, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Amber, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon September 18

Contractors Liability Workshop

Des Moines, IA

Risk transfer, adequately insured subcontractors, mold, EIFS/DEFS, Cincinnati's Commercial General Liability rewrite, residential contractors and construction defects are all factors that require increased consideration when evaluating new and renewal contractor accounts. This class addresses all of these risks that affect the potential liability of your contractor clients.


Contractors Liability Workshop

8:00 am - 3:30 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • better serve your contractor customers on issues involving claims, risk transfer, CGL, umbrella coverage and construction defects.
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • You must be a licensed commercial producer to attend.
  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-9973-3172 or email

CalendarIcon September 18

Cyber Liability Workshop

Boston, MA

This course reviews the cyber risks that many of your clients face and the coverages that are available to protect them. We will discuss and give examples of the cyber exposures that most of your clients are exposed to and how we can help you insure these exposures.


Cyber Liability Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Define various types of cyber exposures
  • Identify cyber exposures
  • Review the forms and products available to help protect your clients
  • Describe the Anatomy of a breach
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Amber Kelly, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Amber, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon September 30

Principles of Surety

Lansing, MI

This class enhances an account reps' expertise by providing in-depth information on surety basics including both contract and commercial surety. Emphasis is placed on understanding the underwriting process, basic understanding of financial statements and work in progress reports, bond forms, rating & classification of contractors and an overview of commercial surety.


Principles of Surety

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • be proficient in answering bond questions
  • set up a submission
  • understand the information needed for an underwriter to make an informed decision
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.

CalendarIcon October 2

Principles of Surety

Cleveland, OH

This class enhances an account reps' expertise by providing in-depth information on surety basics including both contract and commercial surety. Emphasis is placed on understanding the underwriting process, basic understanding of financial statements and work in progress reports, bond forms, rating & classification of contractors and an overview of commercial surety.


Principles of Surety

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • be proficient in answering bond questions
  • set up a submission
  • understand the information needed for an underwriter to make an informed decision
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.

CalendarIcon October 7

CSU Excess and Surplus Lines School

New York, NY

Learn about excess and surplus policies that you can write through Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters. This session goes in-depth with examples and exercises to provide you with a better understanding of our products and how CSU can help you write this business profitably.


CSU Excess and Surplus Lines School

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand out Excess & Surplus Lines programs are structured and operate
  • Explain how to access E & S markets
  • Define the regulations that pertain to this marketplace
  • Explain how an E & S policy is organized and what is covered
  • Understand how reinsurance impacts E & S programs
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon October 9

CSU Excess and Surplus Lines School

Carmel, IN

Learn about excess and surplus policies that you can write through Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters. This session goes in-depth with examples and exercises to provide you with a better understanding of our products and how CSU can help you write this business profitably.


CSU Excess and Surplus Lines School

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand out Excess & Surplus Lines programs are structured and operate
  • Explain how to access E & S markets
  • Define the regulations that pertain to this marketplace
  • Explain how an E & S policy is organized and what is covered
  • Understand how reinsurance impacts E & S programs
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon October 16

Management Liability School for Producers

Gilbert, AZ

The Cincinnati Insurance Companies are committed to helping you grow your business. Management Liability products are a fantastic way to round out your existing accounts and expand your growth with new business. Consider attending our day and a half long Management Liability School to learn more.


Management Liability School for Producers

10/15/2025 to 10/16/2025
1st day - 5:00 pm
2nd day - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
3rd day - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Have a better understanding of Management Liability products
  • Learn how to round out your existing accounts
  • Expand your growth with new business
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.

CalendarIcon November 5

Management Liability School for Producers

Cincinnati, OH

The Cincinnati Insurance Companies are committed to helping you grow your business. Management Liability products are a fantastic way to round out your existing accounts and expand your growth with new business. Consider attending our day and a half long Management Liability School to learn more.


Management Liability School for Producers

11/5/2025 to 11/6/2025
1st day - 5:00 pm
2nd day - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
3rd day - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Have a better understanding of Management Liability products
  • Learn how to round out your existing accounts
  • Expand your growth with new business
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.

CalendarIcon November 11

Advanced Account Representative Workshop

Birmingham, AL

Become familiar with Cincinnati's commercial products and services in a hands-on learning experience where you will work with your peers to underwrite and prepare a policy for submission. With guidance from leaders in our Commercial Lines, Premium Audit, Bond, Learning & Development and Sales departments, this comprehensive course touches on all coverages and classification issues.


Advanced Account Representative Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • underwrite and correctly classify property, general liability and auto coverages for new business and renewals
  • identify many of the coverage advantages of Cincinnati commercial lines products
  • prepare a submission and how to access the tools to prepare the submission
  • understand differences in CinciPak, Target Markets and Commercial package policies
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-870-2065 or email

CalendarIcon November 13

Advanced Account Representative Workshop

Austin, TX

Become familiar with Cincinnati's commercial products and services in a hands-on learning experience where you will work with your peers to underwrite and prepare a policy for submission. With guidance from leaders in our Commercial Lines, Premium Audit, Bond, Learning & Development and Sales departments, this comprehensive course touches on all coverages and classification issues.


Advanced Account Representative Workshop

9:00 am - 4:00 pm local time.


Video Preview:

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • underwrite and correctly classify property, general liability and auto coverages for new business and renewals
  • identify many of the coverage advantages of Cincinnati commercial lines products
  • prepare a submission and how to access the tools to prepare the submission
  • understand differences in CinciPak, Target Markets and Commercial package policies
Continuing Education Credit:
This course qualifies for Continuing Education Credit in most states. If you are not licensed in the state where the class is being held, please contact us immediately to verify your state is filed for CE for this class. You can email to inquire.

  • If you must travel more than 2 hours to get to this meeting site Cincinnati Insurance will pay for your overnight room the night before class.
  • Renaee Fox, Learning & Development, coordinates this school. To contact Renaee, call 513-870-2065 or email